

Hjort Knudsen’s head office is in Denmark, but we work across national borders with colleagues who assist with problems and development on a daily basis. We respect the countries and local communities we are a part of, which is why we also support local projects.

We have also chosen to support an SOS Children’s Village in the countries where our primary manufacturing is based. More specifically, in Ukraine and Poland. We have chosen SOS Children’s Villages as a multiannual primary sponsorship to aid their long-term work.


From 2010-2019, we supported the Children’s Village Siedlce in Eastern Poland. From 2010 up until the present we have supported the Children’s Village in Brovary, 20 km from Kiev in Ukraine.

In these Children’s Villages, the children live in houses with ‘siblings’ and a ‘mother’. They attend school, after which they are given help as young people to stand on their own feet with the chance to have an education or to find a job.

The Children’s Villages also help vulnerable families in the local area. For example, this could include if a woman suddenly finds herself having to take care for her children alone or if she has experienced other major life-changing situations. Here, the Children’s Village can offer supportive help, clothing for the children and contact with the children to spread joy and promote social contact with the help of different activities. This stops the family from feeling as isolated and gives them a reason to believe in the future again.

We are proud that we can help to support the positive development for children unable to grow up with their parents. By doing so, we hope we can support positive development in the countries generally.


In addition to the SOS Children’s Villages, we also support the Red Cross. We are proud to be able to support others and offer help in times of crisis.